
Kori Agung

After crossing the bridge in the middle of the lotus pond, you will see three Kori Agung, which are the main entrance to enter Pura Taman Kemuda Saraswati. As it is mentioned in the Literary Rajendra Prasad, “And at the entrance, the doors are three in a row, all ornately carved, full to the top. If compared, like Mount Mandara, the characteristics of the statue, and all the gods, gathered at the top. The one at the bottom, at the entrance, all the statues were gigantic, alerting everyone, circling the mountain. Holding the head, ‘Ida Hyang Naga Basukih’, turning the mountain in the ocean, the gods are all behind, so to speak. The gate is also like a mountain, all the gods accompany Hyang Indra, Brahma Vishnu also joins them.”

Based on the literature, it is described the splendor of Kori Agung with all its carvings that are so beautiful and full to the top. The author of the kakawin also likens the embodiment of Kori Agung to a story in Hindu mythology, which is about the turning of ‘Mount Mandara’ by the gods and giants involving ‘Naga Basukih’ to get ‘Tirta Amertha’ which is believed to give eternal life. That is why in Kori Agung there are statues in the form of dragons, giants, and gods that can be seen in the gate.

To enter the temple area, usually, the west door of Kori agung will be used unless there is a big religious ceremony, then people who come to Pura Taman Kemuda Saraswati along with all manifestations of God Almighty, such as ‘Barong’, will enter through Kori Agung in the middle.