Bale Gong

On the east side of the temple, to be exactly behind the ‘twin meru’ and ‘padmasana’, there is a bale called ‘Bale Gong’. This bale is a place devoted to placing and storing gamelan gong instruments, which are usually used during religious ceremonies or Piodalan at Pura Taman Kemuda Saraswati.

In the Bali Hinduism Literature, there are five sounds that are usually present in a religious ceremony. The five sounds that are present in a religious ceremony in Bali, are not only for entertainment or just to cheer up, but as the main element in the ritual which is called the ‘Panca Suara’. Gamelan is believed to be one of the important elements that must exist when religious ceremonies such as Piodalan are held. Apart from gamelan, the other ‘Five Sounds’ are the sound of mantra, genta, kidung, and kulkul. Apart from being an entertainment and a complement, the ‘Panca Suara’ which is present in every religious ceremony in Bali, also has magical values ​​that are able to shake the atmosphere.